Jealous Mary Is Jealous
Last week, I saw this post on Facebook where a pretty, young girl congratulated my high school crush for passing the board exam. Despite having no contact with said crush for years, I was jealous.
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Last week, I saw this post on Facebook where a pretty, young girl congratulated my high school crush for passing the board exam. Despite having no contact with said crush for years, I was jealous.
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I was writing a zombie-related post today and started thinking about the definition of life.
In biology class, anything which can [1] grow and [2] create more individuals of the same species (i.e. reproduce) are considered alive. Focusing on [2], if zombies bite people to create more zombies, is biting = zombie reproduction?
And if a zombie … Read full post →
This is a screenshot of the WordPress Codex as of today, April 14 2012. There are exactly 10 Instances of Funny in this pic. Can you find them all?
I know it’s not … Read full post →
I downloaded the PRC application form from their website and found something funny.
This image proves three things:
The PRC is pro-life.
My immaturity knows no bounds.
I have no … Read full post →