mary’s blog

(where mary is always write)

Wherein Mary Bashes Blog, Sets Challenge, and Warns About Possible Death

Since school started last month, Operation: Torture Calee has been on autopilot. (Good job, Professors! Carry on.) This gives me more time to work on the more important things in life. The ones that make my life difficult. For example, right now I will do the following in less than 200 words:

  1. Make fun of this blog.
  2. Announce a challenge.
  3. Admit to cheating before challenge has even started.
  4. Warn you against possibly creepy scenario.

(Word count starts now.)

After installing this blog, I didn’t bother to change the default theme of the site because I wanted to start writing immediately. Now, it’s okay to be excited about writing. But it’s NOT okay to call yourself a webdesigner if your blog uses a free template. So I figured I’d use this lull at Evil Sister Central to study WordPress theming and design+code something for this site. Deadline: August 1, 2012. (#1-2 check!)

But where does this leave you? Is it April-May 2012 all over again where I sporadically post sub-par stories as interesting as PNoy’s lovelife? No. Of course not. That’s why I cheated a little and wrote 6 articles in advance, scheduled to auto-publish at certain dates this month. (#3 check!)

Of course, I should warn you that should I die at anytime between now and August 1, any post that appears in this blog is not the work of a malicious evil sister’s spirit but simply the work of a cheating evil sister who blogs in advance. (#4 check!)

Rest assured that I’m always manning the comments (praying for them to come, actually). So if you want to heckle future blog posts, I’ll be there to accommodate you.


There are 2 reactions to this story, leave yours below?

  1. RK on July 26, 2012

    Four days to go 😛

    • mary on July 26, 2012

      Haha, that’s right, must hurry up with the coding! Funny thing is, I actually got very sick for a week with no one to take care of me. I thought I was going to die and was a bit sad that the last few things I wrote about were zombie reproduction and sociopath bibliophiles. 🙂

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